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Something's missing....

Posted: Tue Sep 22, 2009 4:22 pm
by SnowPhoto
Don't you think there ought to be a cross-country ski section, telemark maybe, and ski/snowboard? There are lots of people (especially in Colorado) who hike into the back country to snowboard.


If this is going to be dedicated to vehicle related snow treks, then snowshoes seem out of place. What do you think?

- SnowPhoto
(aka, Matt)

Re: Something's missing....

Posted: Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:31 pm
by Nobody
Ok, I've added a forum for cross-country skiers. I'll add something for ski/snowboard trekkers if I'm convinced there will be a demand. My problem is I have no content to provide these folks. I hope to take up snowshoeing so I'll be able to create some content.

My focus for this website is primarily for Snow Wheelin, but I think most folks that love the snow are into more than one activity, so I want to include all the popular "treks".

Once/If things get going, I'll be very open to any feedback